This card is totally fun. Well, the image is. I am fully convinced that you can't go wrong with a gingerbread house. I've used this in a bunch of cards and I've spent plenty of time coloring this image. The whole thing is done in marker and then I add liquid glass to the windows, white puffy paint for the icing, liquid applique for the snow and stickles all over the place. This is definitely a huge project because it takes forever putting all the different things on the card. But everyone loves a super fun gingerbread house! (or they don't, just humor me)
Here's my submission for the self-created challenge to make cards that can be sent to anyone--male or female. I got this stamp for a couple bucks at a yard sale. It takes awhile to color and stickle up (oh man I love stickles) but it's pretty simple to put together. I have this card in four different color schemes. The original was sent to my friend Ed for his birthday. When he said he really liked it I started mass-producing (alright, not really...but 4 is more than I make of most cards).
Here is my submission for the Daring Cardmaker's challenge this week.... coffee. I have to admit, I am not a fan of the taste of coffee. I do enjoy the smell though. My immediate thought was a tree covered in little coffee mugs but I didn't have the stamps for that. So I just drew it my self. The coffee mugs are colored with CTMH marker. I added a bit of cappuccino stickles and covered it with liquid glass.
Here is my submission for two challenges. I love doing the CPS challenge because it leaves everything open to total interpretation. I was excited to try the snowflake challenge at Cute Card Thursday because we had our first flurries this week.
The instructional assistant I work with, Deb, made me a shaker card for Thanksgiving and it inspired me to do some shakers of my own. My shakers are filled with holographic glitter and snowflake confetti. You really have to click on it to see how cute they came out. The slide shapes are from a baggie I got for 50 cents at the Memory Lane yard sale.
I don't know how many people have leopard geckos, but I totally love mine (if you couldn't already tell by all the pictures). Recently, ChaCha got really sick. She wasn't walking around...her belly was swollen...her tail looked purple... I was really worried and talked to the pet center in Northampton. They suggested putting her in warm water a few times a day in hopes of getting her to be able to go to the bathroom. After 2-3 days of the hot tub treatment, it she wasn't doing much better.
I took her to the vet and got some laxatives and baby food to feed her. They told me that the calcium-based sand is said to be safe for geckos but if they ingest it (it happens when they go to grab food) the sand can get all stuck in her intestinal tract. I guess that's what happens.
Now that I've been doing the medicine and hot tubbing her, she's doing much better. I changed over to the artificial carpeting so she can't go eating sand anymore.
Caber shed for the first time on Monday, November 3rd. He was obviously not impressed with me taking pictures. But I guess that is the catch---I pay for the food and he has to deal with posing while his skin falls off.
This card fits the requirements of two challenges: Spoon Full of Sugar's "sketch" and Arty Girlz challenge to use something hand-drawn. I have been playing around with this little cow. Haven't gotten the drawing perfect but I think he's pretty cute.
The Funky Fairy challenge is to make a card that is black and white and only one other color. I got a box of these gigantic flowers at the MLPA sale for 75 cents. I think there's about 8 giant flowers. I rarely use them because they don't leave much to create on a card. This one is a lot of fun though.
I was totally excited to see that the Daring Cardmakers challenge this week was "sparkle and bling". You totally cannot appreciate the stickle-ocity of this card unless you click to enlarge it. I bought this stamp at the MLPA yard sale a few weeks ago. Takes forever to color but it's lots of fun. I used Le Plume markers and then dazzled everything up with stickles of all colors.
I've been MIA for a short while. Poor ChaCha was sick (the albino gecko) and I've just been feeling down lately so I took a hiatus. But here's my first completed challenge in almost two weeks!It's a simple CPS sketch.The surfin' santa and mele kalikimaka stamps are from one of the new Close to My Heart sets.
I'm a 27-year old Special Education teacher. I love to create things both in and outside the classroom.
I have two cats (Sushi and Wookie), three geckos (ChaCha, McLovin and Caber) and seven fire-bellied toads.