Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My first swap!

I'm entering my first stamping swap and I'm so excited! The swap is through a blog that Karin Hoeve hosts. I'm partnered up with a woman named Donna who is from Canada.

Here's what I've learned about swaps (and myself) so far:
1. I have no idea what the whole swap etiquette is. For example, if it says to put 5 embellishments, is it bad to include more than that? Is the goal to follow everything to a T or to give you a minimum?
2. I have so much stuff in the craft room I really can't narrow it down to figure out what to send.
3. Swaps are scary because you have no idea what the other person's tastes are like. What if I send all pink stuff and they hate pink?
4. I haven't been excited to check the mailbox in a long time.
5. I have no idea how to send things to Canada (the address may as well be in Japanese because I have no clue whether I'm writing it out properly or not)

1 comment:

Karin said...

Hi Dana,

if this is the package you are sending to Donna, she will love it!!.
Sending swaps is so much fun. When they mail arrives with those kind of little packages I feel like a little girl.
And getting colours and papers I normaly wouldn't buy challenges me to create something with them.

If you want to send more RAK''s join the paper craft planet (I made a RAK-group on it.)
The link for paper craft planet is on my blog.

xoxo Karin