Friday, January 2, 2009

How do you keep the challenges straight?

Just out of curiosity... How do you keep all of the challenges that you do straight? I can sometimes feel overwhelmed with all of the different challenges. I write them all down on my mini notepad and then bring them downstairs. I just cross them off as they are completed.


Karin said...

Hi Dana,

I'm just like you, writing them down all small papers and loose them all the time.
On papercraft planet (there's a link on the right side of my blog) I've created a group where hopefully will be a list of a challenges.
Mayby fun to join in.

xoxo karin

Debbie said...

I have my laptop on the same table as my craft space, so I keep the challenge up on the screen while I do the project. See it, do it. I don't make lists. I lose them. That's how I do it anyways.