Okay. So today was a rough day for a whole bunch of reasons. Only a few of those reasons are considered "big" things... but the combination just kicked me around today. So here's my self-therapy session. Here's some of the stuff (and people) I'm thankful for...
Kimmy... she's like my personal doctor half the time. I call her with the most random questions. And she never complains...well, not that I hear about. Come to think of it, why would she complain ABOUT me TO me? Whatever...you get the idea.
Mommy... does it make me a huge dork to hang out with my mom all the time? Yeah, probably. Oh well.
Artistic talent... I have some decent skills. Here's a picture of the mural I'm definitely not painting. It's just somehow showing up bit by bit.
Cory... he is awesome (but don't tell him that... I'd hate for him to have a big ego!) We always hang out and have fun. And he helps me out whenever I need it.
Sushi... this cat drives me completely insane and sometimes I find myself getting so freakin' frustrated with him! But despite me telling him to go away sometimes, he's excited to see me and always wants to be near me.
Friends from college... I think that joining Tau Beta Sigma was one of the best choices I made in college. Most of my best friends have come from my ties to the organization.

Hanging out with my sister... we didn't always get along but we have been hanging out a lot more and having a blast (but don't tell her that either haha)!