It's really difficult to know that someone has passed away. It's even more disturbing when the person who has passed is young. A 12-year-old boy was killed this week when he fell into the road and was run over by a school bus at the middle school. Although I did not know him, it brings up a lot of feelings of loss.
So here's a list of 10 things that make me happy:
1. Books... the current series is House of Night but I plan to go back through all of the Twilight and Harry Potter novels in the next year or so.
2. My cat Sushi. Although he drives me absolutely insane sometimes, he is always happy to see me and wants my attention.
3. Rubber stamping. If you can't tell from this blog, I have a blast making cards. I've gotten away from scrapbooking lately.
4. Getting mail. Actual mail. The last few things I've gotten that were exciting were from my swap partner Donna. I got some really cool crafty stuff.
5. Getting my credit card bill. Seriously! I have it paid off and I am hella proud of it!
6. Cory. I know that he will always be there if I need him and we have fun together.
7. Chocolate.
8. Compliments from my students, other teachers or *gasp* even parents of students! Teaching can really be a thankless job sometimes. It's awesome to know that you are appreciated.
9. Going out for sushi. I love hanging at the Ichiban in Coplay. I've gotten to know the Yu family really well and the food is great.
10. The smell of Love Spell lotion. I have always loved that scent.
12 hours ago